ISITC Europe – Spring 2017 CEO Update
As we all put the winter attire in storage for the Spring and Summer months, I would welcome an opportunity to provide some exciting updates to ISITC Europe as well as invite you to our next General Meeting on the 25th May at Standard Chartered Bank in the City of London. AGM I would firstly […]
Blockchain DLT and the future of the financial markets
ISITC Europe has recognised the tremendous interest in the financial markets for Blockchain DLT and has noted the growing number of groups and committees springing up to try and understand impacts, or to examine potential solutions. This is normal in financial markets when innovation is in full swing and where there is a need for […]
Prof Michael Mainelli at Z/YEN Group shares Blockchain research and initiatives
The announcements from eight insurers (one retail, several wholesale and reinsurers) using Z/YEN’s ChainZy mutual distributed ledger technology in earnest, and their large clinical trial clients, has heightened attention on building MDLs quickly and privately using proven technology and not depending on Bitcoin, Ethereum or Ripple payment systems. Z/YEN are already doing over 50,000 clinical data trial […]
Draft Proposal for OASIS BlockbenchIT Technical Committee
ISITC Europe has signed a MoU with OASIS Open based in North America but with offices worldwide . They specialise in creating open standards and lobbying for standards to ISO amongst others. The ISITC Europe Blockchain DLT Working Group has now merged with the OASIS Open Blockchain Technical Committee under a BlockBenchIT-draft-charter. The Charter is deliberately broad […]
ISITC Europe Call For New ISITC Leadership Executive Volunteer
Following the resignation of Dr Hermann Rapp for personal reasons, we have an open position on the ISITC Europe Leadership Group (IELG) for the Head of the ISITC Europe Academic Forum (IEAF) for immediate fulfilment. The IEAF is the most recent addition to the working groups for ISITC Europe and is reflects the leadership ISITC […]
ESMA Report – The Distributed Ledger Technology Applied to Securities Markets This report from ESMA is important reading for people interested in the DLT explosion of interest in financial markets. It’s an encapsulation of views taken from financial services firms trade associations and financial market experts that ISITC Europe contributed to last year. The ISITC Europe […]
Gary Wright invited to speak at the ITU “Workshop on Security Aspects of Blockchain”
Gary Wright, ISITC Europe’s Blockchain DLT leader has been invited to participate at ITU’s workshop on the 21st March in Geneva. He will be remotely participating in “Future directions on blockchain standardization activity” which will highlight diverse aspects and standardization efforts on blockchain in international standards bodies, identify potential items that ITU-T SG17 needs to analyse/review and […]
Summer in the ISITC Europe Camp
London, 28th July 2016 As we all head off for well-earned rest and relaxation breaks with family and loved ones, I wanted to provide an update to you of activities, plans and events to book into your calendars when you return. I also wanted to provide you all with an opportunity to contact me should […]
Double Standards: The Coming Push for Blockchain Interoperability
Not everyone wants to copy the world’s most successful blockchain. While bitcoin’s public-facing, immutable ledger has proven resilient to attacks (and a mostly reliable way to transact peer-to-peer), businesses are still looking for something else to meet their volume and privacy requirements. Read more…
ISITC: Blockchain Investment Impact 12 to 18 Months Away
Published in Coindesk Daniel Palmer | Published on February 18, 2016 at 22:10 GMT Trade processing was historically an inefficient process that involved sending documents between firms via fax and Telex, and manual re-keying of data as it passed from one proprietary trading system to another. Then, in 1991, a group of financial industry leaders […]