ISITC Europe Student Society

Why Was It Formed?


Europe’s Capital Markets and related businesses are mainly concentrated in City Hubs. Those who live in proximity to financial centres in the UK and throughout Europe and even those who don’t, often recognise the associated iconic buildings, but have little idea on what activities go on inside them. Many financial centres have less privileged communities as their neighbours and yet young people who are brought up in those communities do not think of careers in this sector.

With Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) coming to the fore. Firms through enlightened self-interest and  regulatory drivers are now considering their social impact, on the financial services community and wider society. Recognising that a diverse workforce enhances the firm’s abilities to be successful in markets, which are themselves increasingly diverse. All participants in the industry, need to have a readily available supply of “new blood” to take their businesses forward, to help them innovate and be successful.

It is for this reason that ISITC Europe has established the “ISITC Europe Student Society” to introduce students from 15+ upwards to the industry. Whatever form their particular programme of study takes, irrespective of their background, ethnicity and gender. Through our student membership we will provide a gateway for aspiring financial markets professionals to access the latest thinking and connect with industry professionals. Through our Scholarship Pathway we attract students from all walks of life to give them the opportunity to work in the UK  and European Capital Markets.

What Activities Does It Undertake?


Members of the Student Society will be kept updated on its activities through this website, newsletters and social media updates. The Society will engage in a variety of activities.

Video Interviews

Video Interviews

Students will interview people in the Capital Markets. Regarding their career, current role and any advice they would like to give.

Industry Briefings

Industry Briefings

Pre-recorded briefings by members and the wider community on particular aspects of how the Market operates.

Business Visits

Business Visits

Group visits to member firms for onsite briefing on the business activities they conduct and insights into what they look for in employees.

School Visits

School Visits

Member Visits to Schools/Colleges/Universities to speak on specific topics regarding activities/operations and careers in the Capital Markets.

Work Experience

Work Experience

Students to be placed in a business to get 1 weeks experience to work and observe business operations. 



Students will work in a firm for 4 – 10 week periods, to support one or more business functions.

How Can Members Help?
ISITC Europe needs its member firms to support the work of the Student Society.
To provide volunteers to join the Student Society Board. - To work with ISITC Europe to arrange work experience, internships and ultimately employment.
Offer Your Support

How Is It Different From Other Student Initiatives?

The ISITC Europe Student Society is designed to be complementary to any existing programs, which have already been instigated by other firms or organisations within the UK and European Capital Markets ecosystem. However, most existing programs tend to concentrate on a particular industry sector, firm type or University level entrants. The ISITC Europe community covers the whole of the Capital Markets ecosystem, and our aim is for the program to reflect this community. In addition, we intend to support and offer opportunities to students who decide, or are unable to go to university. As we believe they can contribute greatly in making the industry more innovative and diverse.

Who Is It For?

The Student Society will encompass the following:

  1. Students considering A Level Study or Vocational Training
  2. Students undertaking Vocational  Training e.g. City & Guilds
  3. Students undertaking pre University Study e.g. Baccalaureate, A-Level or Equivalent.
  4. Students undertaking a University Degree

How Will It Be Governed?

The Student Society will be managed through the Student Society Board. This will be made up of volunteer members, students and where appropriate academic staff. This board will be accountable to the ISITC Europe Executive Administration Board.

Will I Gain Any Qualifications?

ISITC Europe intends to support to students in achieving an Industry recognised accredited qualification. Where they can learn about the structure and operation of business in the Capital Markets.

What Practical Experience Will I Gain?

ISITC Europe will pre-agree a work experience or internship  program with the relevant firm and students placed on work experience or internship assignments will be expected to complete a ‘learning and experience diary’ during their placement, which will be reviewed by ISITC Europe and or at their place of education. Funding may be made available for travel for work experience.  A small salary may be paid to participating students by the firm offering the internship.

Future Goals For ISITC Europe

In due course, ISTC Europe hopes with the support of its members to be able to form a Scholarship Fund. Which will enable it to fully support students from disadvantaged backgrounds, to gain qualifications, work experience and ultimately a career within the Capital Markets.

How Can I Join?

If you are a student and would like to join the Student Society. Or would like to find out more about how you can get involved. Please click the button below to enquire.