Call for ISITC Europe DLT Standards Committee Members

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Call for ISITC Europe DLT Standards Committee Members

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As you know ISITC Europe has signed a MoU with OASIS Open in North America to work on developing DLT standards. We are also working with the British Standards Institute (BSI), currently serving on two of the sub-committees for Identity and Interoperability. We are calling for volunteers to serve on the ISITC Europe DLT Standards Committee that will support both OASIS Open and the BSI.

The committee member should have some technology knowledge of DLT and awareness of standards in financial markets. The time commitment to support these committee initiatives will be an estimated 1 or 2 days per month.

ISITC Europe DLT Standards Committee members will gain up to date knowledge of the latest developments in DLT and help shape the eventual introduction of standards that is vital to successful implementation. The corporate and individual members of the ISITC Europe DLT Standards Committee will also have raised profiles in the development of this important technology.

People interested in joining should contact Gary Wright, ISITC Europe Executive and Chairman of the Blockchain DLT Working Group, at