The move to T+1 – measuring the impact on Market Resilience

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The move to T+1 – measuring the impact on Market Resilience

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The move to T + 1

The move to T+1 measuring the impact on Market Resilience

An Industry Research Consultation kindly hosted by the SIOSIO

Date: 22nd February 2023

Time: 3.30 – 5.45

Location: Edinburgh Training and Conference Venue, 16 St Mary’s St, Edinburgh EH1 1SU, UK

ISITC Europe has been commissioned by the SWIFT Institute to conduct academic research into the impacts of a shortened settlement cycle in Global Capital Markets. This event entitled ‘ The move to T+1 – measuring the impact on Market Resilience’ has been organized as part of this research.

The move to T+1, and then to T+0, for settlements between financial services firms has huge implications for technology teams. Settlement platforms must be secure, resilient and in continuous operation – with no room for error.

Failure to make settlements on time will come with huge contractual liabilities – and could eventually have regulatory implications too.

Firms already operate incredibly complex hybrid IT estates, and resilience is a mounting concern. The move towards T+0 adds to this complexity, and highlights the need for enhanced orchestration, automation and monitoring.

How are financial institutions moving towards delivering T+1?

This workshop follows on from the previous one hosted by SWIFT in London on the 8th December, which was attended by a cross section of the capital markets including representatives from; trade associations, registrars, csds, post trade technologists etc.

This interactive workshop organised in partnership with the SIO will look to continue discussions on some of the problems, technology solutions and approaches to the impending implementation of T+1


Dr. Tony Gandy is Director of Academic Research, ISITC Europe and Visiting Professor at the London Institute of Banking and Finance

Tony Freeman is Director of Policy, ISITC Europe

Gary Wright is Director of Industry Affairs, ISITC Europe

The workshop is now full. However, dial in facilities are available. Please email to submit your dial in request