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UK Accelerated Settlement – The path forward Post Event Summary

A T+1 Forum Event hosted by EY  UK Accelerated Settlement – The path forward Post Event Summary An ISITC Europe  T+1 Forum event was hosted by EY on the 16th of May, to discuss the transition to accelerated settlement in the UK. It focused on the UK move to T+1, looking at FMI readiness and unique challenges faced […]

Data Challenges Roundtable Summary & Recommendations

A T+1 Forum Event hosted by EY Data Challenges Roundtable Summary & Recommendations   In the fourth of the ISITC Europe T+1 Forum series of roundtable discussions, industry experts focused on data challenges and the role data plays in efficient settlement for near/real-time processing. This post-event summary examines the current and immediate issues that market participants are facing, […]