ISITC TALKTIME: Post-Trade Efficiency and Transformation

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ISITC TALKTIME: Post-Trade Efficiency and Transformation

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Post Trade Efficiency and Transformation

ISITC TalkTime Podcast: Post-Trade Efficiency and Transformation

ISITC Europe talks to Bob Santangelo from Broadridge about the need for post-trade efficiency and transformation. The discussion centres around the impact that the global pandemic has had on the need for banks and brokers to transform their processes to achieve greater post trade efficiency. Which has been exacerbated due to the increase in remote working.

There is a growing understanding that running separate silo based post-trade systems, creates black holes in effectiveness. The time is ripe for financial services firms to take a fresh look at their legacy systems and operations.  Manual processes can now be eliminated through investment in automation, utilising new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Investment by firms into a centralised multi-asset solution could reduce costs, risks and complexity bringing forth increased client servicing, better compliance and an enhanced capability, to meet the ever increasing number of business and regulatory requirements.

Is there an industry need to create a more mutualised approach? Mutualisation would have the benefit of eliminating duplicate back office services and inefficiencies. There would be cost benefits but a shared service, deployed though SaaS or as a managed service raises the question of who would be the supplier?

A must read in conjunction with this podcast is ‘The growing need to invest in derivatives post-trade – Modernising post-trade infrastructure to meet the  demands of the next crisis’, which has been written by Acuiti, sponsored by Broadridge.

Bob SantangeloBob Santangelo

Bob Santangelo is the President of International Sales at Broadridge Financial Solutions, having served in leadership roles for over 20 years. As a leader in a global company, Bob is focused on building strong relationships with clients and deeply understanding the business and industry. He believes in gaining clients’ trust, understanding their needs and ensuring delivery. Bob is passionate about Broadridge and its innovative products, as well as its ability to help clients grow profitably. Contributing to Bob’s effectiveness is that he is as comfortable in the C-suite as with sales executives on strategic client initiatives. Bob offers deep industry knowledge for investment banks, wealth management firms, broker dealers and global banking institutions.






Broadridge, a global Fintech leader with over $4.5 billion in revenues, helps clients get ahead of today’s challenges to capitalise on what’s next with communications, technology, data and intelligence solutions that help transform their businesses.