François Masquelier (Luxembourg)
François Masquelier is one of the ISITC Europe Country Ambassadors who is representing Luxembourg.
François has founded Simply Treasury, a company that delivers advisory in treasury, corporate finance, and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). Before and until December 2019, he was Head of Corporate Finance, Treasury and Enterprise Risk Management at RTL Group, leading European media company. He joined RTL in 1997. Before, he worked for Eridania Béghin-Say and ABN.AMRO. He is Doctor in Tax Law, has degree in Economy and Administration from the University of Liège and is graduated from the Solvay Business School as Executive master’s in management.
He is certified ICIS and ICIP (Internal Controls Institute Professional) and ISO 31000 certified. He is also certified from Sacred Heart University (SHU) in Private Equity Funds.
He is Chair of Association of Corporate Treasurers of Luxembourg (ATEL), Chair of European Association of Corporate Treasurers (EACT), member of the Financial Instrument Working Group created by the IAS Board in 2004. He has also been appointed as Specialist at The Institute of Risk Management (IRM) since November 2009. He recently joined the SMSG group of stakeholders at ESMA (Paris). He also work part-time as CFO for a French Family-Office based in Luxembourg.
He is a regular contributor to different corporate finance and treasury magazines and newspapers. He is Editorial Director of the “Treasury Magazine”. He gives trainings and courses for House of Training Luxembourg and FEBELFIN Brussels. He is an active thought treasury leader in Europe and is known for his presentations, lectures, videos, and articles published in finance magazines for more than 25 years.