Trip Chong Fireside Chat on ESG Class Actions
In the video below Trip Chong, Director of Global Class Actions at Broadridge talks to Gary Wright, Director, ISITC Europe about the imminent threat of ESG Class Actions. He asks her to elaborate on why board members should be concerned with greenwashing and why is this becoming an issue?
To explore this and other ESG relate topics please feel free to request to join us for one of our roundtable discussions by emailing:
Next roundtable is on the 10th May 2023 @ 12:45 at being hosted by The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, 20 Fenchurch street, London, EC3M 3BY
Trip Chong
The opening presentation will be given by Trip Chong, Director of Global Class Actions at Broadridge Investor Communications. Trip has over 13 years industry experience in securities group investor actions with particular focus on international jurisdictions. Trip has an excellent understanding of client needs and works closely with law firms, litigation funders and investor rights groups to help clients navigate the complex landscape of international securities litigation.
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