Richard Young

Richard Young, ISITC Europe Advisory Board
Richard Young, Industry Affairs, Regulation and Symbology Strategist – Data, Bloomberg

Richard sits on the ISITC Europe Advisory Board.

He joined Bloomberg in September 2015 in an industry and regulatory relations role in Global Data. This role includes advocacy for Bloomberg’s Open Symbology initiatives, covering instrument and entity identifiers. Richard also undertakes industry and regulatory outreach on the data aspects of Bloomberg’s services related to regulatory driven initiatives.

Prior to joining Bloomberg, he spent 20 years with the financial messaging and standards body – SWIFT, where he held a variety of roles in sales and marketing. He led initiatives with EU and other regulators to raise awareness of the operational impacts of regulation, including strengthening the regulatory recognition of financial messaging and reference data standards. This involved a particular focus on the promotion of the ISO 20022 financial messaging standard to EU regulatory bodies.

Pre SWIFT Richard held product management roles with a leading global custodian for four years, and before that with the London Stock Exchange.