The ISITC Europe Big Debate
Should Regulators interfere with Infrastructure?
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Thursday 24th February 2022
Time:18:00 – 19:30 GMT (reception to follow)
Location: Metro Bank Conference Suite – One Southampton Row, London, WC1B 5HA
Debate Motion: The Regulator should not interfere with infrastructure
James Crask, Managing Director & Resilience Advisory Lead, Marsh Advisory
Steve Marshall, former Change Management Specialist, Nomura
Monica Sasso, EMEA FSI chief technologist, Red Hat
Steve Yates, Director, Acertia & Chair of the Resilience Association
Alasdair Hodge, Chair ISITC Europe Resilience & Cloud Forum and Principle Engineer, Cloudsoft Corporation
Attendance Fees
ISITC Europe Members: Attendance is Free to Members
ISITC Europe Non-Members: To attend this event a £25 donation to the ISITC Europe Scholarship fund is requested.
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